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Oferta para desarrollar tesis en la University of Strathclyde (Escocia)
PhD position in Recycled Composite Materials
This successful applicant will undertake a critical piece of fundamental research in support of the goals of the EPSRC funded TARF-LCV consortium working on a 4 year project to support the development of technologies to be implemented in future Low Carbon Vehicles. The TARF-LCV consortium has assembled a team of international standing from 8 UK universities (with support from a number of major UK and international automotive and material supply companies) to form a critical mass for addressing the grand challenges facing the development of recyclable lightweight materials for future Low Carbon Vehicles in the UK. The Advanced Composites Group at the University of Strathclyde is researching lightweight recyclable glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (GFRP) technology solutions.
The primary goal of this project is to provide enabling fundamental research in support of the development of low cost routes to the regeneration of the reinforcement performance of glass fibres recovered from the recycling of glass reinforced polymer composites. This will be accomplished in close cooperation with the various teams in the TARF-LCV consortium and other ongoing projects within the Departments of Chemistry and Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. Using the understanding generated within the project the student will identify a range of potential chemical surface treatments which can mitigate the negative effects of composite recycling. As well as developing treatments to regenerate recycled fibre properties the student will also investigate the potential of new surface treatments for pristine glass fibres which will enable them to better survive the thermally recycling process at the end of composite lifetime.
Students should have, or expect to obtain, a first or upper second class honours degree or equivalent in mechanical engineering; materials science; physical chemistry or other related disciplines. They should be confident, have an enthusiasm for academic research and the ability to participate in the execution of a novel research project working independently within a wider inter-disciplinary research team in academia and industry. Applications are welcome from well qualified and enthusiastic candidates from EU, including UK.
The award includes (i) payment of fees (ii) a tax-free stipend at EPSRC rates (currently £13,590 per annum) - additional support for conference travel is provided.
For further information please contact:
Prof Jim Thomason – james.thomason@strath.ac.uk
Dr Liu Yang – L.Yang@strath.ac.uk
To apply please email a covering letter and full Curriculum Vitae with the names and contact details of two referees to Prof Jim Thomason or Dr Liu Yang.